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(Offer Date: July 27, 2024)

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Perfect W-eight™
Natural Weight Loss Formula

Additive-Free Dietary Supplement
Click Here to Order Perfect W-eight™

American Made Product

Perfect W-eight™ is a trademark of World Image Naturals™, Inc.

Perfect W-eight™ combines eight natural supplements that have been found to promote weight loss in healthy individuals. It's specially formulated to burn fat, by inducing thermogenesis, increase energy, suppress appetite, and reduce cravings.

Each serving contains: Citrus Aurantium (1000 mg), Guarana Seed Extract (910 mg., containing 200 mg; naturally-occurring caffeine), Garcinia Cambogia HCA (500 mg.), Green Tea Extract (200 mg.), White Willow Bark (100 mg.), L-Carnitine (100 mg. as L-carnitine tartrate), Vitamin B-6 (50 mg.), and Chromium Polynicotinate (100 mcg.).

Citrus Aurantium (Burns Fat • Helps Digestion • Increases Energy • Provides Nutrients)

Citrus Aurantium is a natural digestive aid derived from the bitter "Seville" orange fruit. It has been used nutritionally for thousands of years. Researchers have learned that Citrus Aurantium induces thermogenesis (the act of speeding up the rate at which the body uses calories), without adversely affecting blood pressure and heart rate. Citrus Aurantium is a safe, effective alternative to ingredients found in other weight loss supplements. For example, Ma Haung (Ephedra) is added to most weight loss supplements, and has similar thermogenic fat-burning properties. However, Ephedra can cause elevation of blood pressure, over-simulation of the heart, and adrenal debilitation (to a person who is already low in energy). Concerns over Ephedra have prompted increased regulation and industry label warnings. Perfect W-eight™ contains Citrus Aurantium, a superior alternative to Ephedra, to increase the body's ability to metabolize stored body fat and provide the body with a greater amount of energy.

Guarana Seed Extract (Boosts Energy • Facilitates Thermogenesis)

Guarana is a tropical plant found in the Amazon jungle. The native inhabitants have used it for hundreds of years. Guarana contains a compound nearly identical to caffeine. Unlike caffeine, which produces an energy surge with a sudden rush and quick drop-off, Guarana is not readily water-soluble and therefore not too quickly absorbed. Guarana's caffeine1 is released much slower, over a period of hours, producing an energy boost that continues to escalate gradually.

Garcinia Cambogia HCA (Promotes Energy • Stimulates Thermogenesis Suppresses Appetite)

Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit that has been the subject of numerous studies, revealing many beneficial qualities for weight management. It has been shown to suppress appetite, inhibit the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat, and increase stores of the body's energy fuel (glucose). Studies have further demonstrated its ability to decrease cravings for fat while burning the fat already present in the body.

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Green Tea Extract (Helps Reduce Body Fat • Increases Metabolism)

Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis) has been well known as a powerful antioxidant for centuries. Recently researchers have reported it may also help reduce body fat. The interaction of the active ingredients in Green Tea promotes increased metabolism and fat oxidation without raising the heart rate. Green Tea also contains naturally-occurring caffeine.

White Willow Bark (Enhances Thermogenesis • Preserves Muscle Tissue)

The White Willow is a deciduous tree introduced into the United States from Europe. Its bark has been used for centuries for pain relief and fever reduction. The leaves contain salicylic acid, which has been synthesized into acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin2. Combining White Willow with Guarana Seed Extract (containing natural caffeine) and Citrus Aurantium may enhance the thermogenic effect, and increase the body's ability to utilize fatty acids while preserving lean muscle tissue.

L-Carnitine (Burns Fat • Increases Energy • Reduces Feelings of Hunger and Weakness)

L-Carnitine is the most important amino acid needed for fat loss. It controls the mechanism responsible for transporting fat cells to the mitochondria where they are burned to yield energy. Deficiency in L-Carnitine will not allow the efficient burning of fat making weight loss difficult.

Vitamin B-6 (Facilitates Metabolism • Produces Energy)

B-6 (Pyridoxine) is one of several B vitamins essential for good health. It is particularly important in weight loss because it is required for the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It also aids in energy production and helps to rid the body of excess fluid.

Chromium Polynicotinate3 (Decreases Cravings • Regulates Body Fat • Suppresses Appetite)

Chromium is an essential nutrient that facilitates the metabolism of sugar, fat and cholesterol as well as helping insulin to regulate blood sugar. Major studies have suggested that chromium supplementation can reduce body fat, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and help build lean muscle. Chromium Polynicotinate, the form found in Perfect W-eight™, is one of the most biologically active, potent forms available.

Click Here to Order Perfect W-eight™

Suggested use as part of an overall weight loss program4:

Take three capsules, twice daily - before breakfast or morning exercise and before lunch. Perfect W-eight™ should be taken by healthy individuals, as part of a lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. For best results, take with 8 ounces of water.

Perfect W-eight™ is a combination of eight supplements that work together to provide an effective weight loss formula. It is encapsulated in pure vegetable capsules, which dissolve easily for maximum absorption, and do not require additives5 such as binders or disintegrents found in tablet formulas. Perfect W-eight™ is manufactured in the USA.

1 Combing Guarana with other caffeine containing products, such as coffee or soda, may increase the effects of the caffeine (causing jitteriness). If this occurs, limiting the amount of caffeine from other sources may be advised.
2 Because White Willow is similar to aspirin; it should not be taken with other aspirin-containing products, or by individuals allergic to salicylates or aspirin.
3 Chromium Picolinate (Picolinic Acid) is poorly absorbed by the body, and can have an abnormal effect on human cells. The FDA does not recognize Picolinic Acid as safe. Perfect W-eight™ uses a safe and far more effective form of Chromium: Chromium Polynicotinate.
4 Reduce dosage or discontinue use if nervousness, tremor, sleeplessness, severe loss of appetite or nausea occur. This product is not intended for use by persons under the age of 18 or by those who are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant. Seek the advice of your health care practitioner before starting any weight loss program or taking any supplements particularly if you have any existing medical condition or are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications.
5 You may obtain a Special Report regarding additives (FREE with any purchase) titled. "Supplement Additives: A Special Report on 16 Undesirable Additives Commonly Found in Nutritional Supplements." Simply ask for this informative report when placing your order.

Perfect W-eight™  - A Safer, More Effective Choice!  Ephedra Free

Features Perfect W-eight™
(100% Additive Free)
Other Supplements
(Ingredients Vary)
"Jitter" Free Yes No
Ephedra Free1



Additive Free



Animal Free2 Yes


Contains safer
Chromium Polynicotinate4
Yes No
Camellia Sinensis for weight loss5
Yes No
Vitamin B-6 for weight loss
Yes No
$25.00 or Less
for Full-Dosage, 30-Day Supply
Yes No
1Ephedra (Ma Huang) can cause elevation of blood pressure, over-simulation of the heart,  and adrenal debilitation
  (to a person who is already low in energy).
Contains gelatin (from pork and/or beef).
3Contains bovine (ox/cow).
4Chromium Polynicotinate is superior to Chromium Picolinate (found in many weight loss products).
  Chromium Picolinate (Picolinic Acid) is poorly absorbed, and can have an abnormal effect on human cells.
  The FDA does not recognize Picolinic Acid as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe).
5Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) promotes increased metabolism and fat oxidation.

*Statement (Other Supplements) and comparison chart does not mean or imply that all other supplements listed on this page
or elsewhere are represented herein.  Consumer should obtain and read the ingredients of any products of interest and make their own comparison.

Perfect W-eight™ is trademark of World Image Naturals, Inc.

Perfect W-eight™ - Safer Weight Loss
(Read Labels & Compare)

  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any additives, artificial colors or flavors.
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any animal parts (e.g. bovine), organs or hormones.
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any Yohimbe.
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any Ma Huang (Ephedra).
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any Chromium Picolinate.
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any synthetic caffeine.
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any synthetic phosphates.
  • Perfect W-eight™ does not contain any Magnesium Stearate.


World Image Naturals™ Perfect W-eight™ - Experience the Difference!

100% Pure Additive-Free Made in the USA Safe Most Effective Unique Formula Great Price

Perfect W-eight™ - 180 Vegetable Capsules
Suggested Use: Three capsules twice daily - 30-day supply in each bottle.

Description Amount Cost Savings $ Per Bottle Your Price Secure Order
Perfect W-eight™
Natural Weight Loss Formula
180 Capsules
1 Bottle $28.00 ($3.00) ($25.00) $25.00 Currently

Get WIN-Daily™
Perfect W-eight™
Natural Weight Loss Formula
180 Capsules
3 Bottles $84.00 ($24.00) ($20.00) $60.00 Currently

Get WIN-Daily™
Click Here for Wholesale Pricing

Ask for "8 Weight Loss Strategies" FREE with your purchase!

NOTE: Free Shipping (offers) are available only to US Addresses. If an order is requested to be shipped outside of the USA, an invoice will be sent (after ordering) listing the shipping costs which must be paid before the order is shipped.

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Dietary supplements are not intended to cure or treat disease, rather to supply the body with the nutrients it needs to protect and heal itself. The FDA has not evaluated the information contained within this website. The products and information presented herein are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your nutritionally-oriented, healthcare provider before using any supplements. The effects from dietary supplements, experienced by individuals, may vary (as with all substances); no guaranties are made or implied. Testimonials displayed throughout this website do not necessarily imply typical or potential results for each individual using the same product(s). Medical/Health guarantees/claims cannot be legally made regarding our supplements (or any other). All sales are final. Note: We do our best to ship within 24 hours, but please allow up to 8 weeks delivery time - since our products are made fresh. © 2024 World Image Naturals™, Inc.